Mundo: Why RSD group tours guarantee wonderful holidays

(Información remitida por la empresa firmante)

Towcester, 4 de agosto (News Aktuell).-

Travelling on your own organising everything yourself – flights, accommodation, local excursions. As well as help in the event of an emergency. That can be tedious – and expensive.

But anyone who goes on holiday with an RSD group knows that RSD guarantees safe, professionally organised travel, with comprehensive support and assistance from the first to the last day. The tour organiser ensures reliable airlines and modern coaches and is committed to offering the best possible accommodation in comfortable and star-rated hotels. And offers unbeatable value for money. That’s because, as one of the largest cultural tour providers in Europe, RSD’s costs are always very favourable for its guests.

Guests are accompanied by highly trained, English-speaking tour guides. These experts know the country and its people, they speak the local language, have great ideas and motivate the group. They impart important knowledge, are expertly informed, insightful and never boring.

RSD tour managers are problem-solvers for every situation. Whether it be forgotten glasses or a lost passport: they’re right there and know how to help.

It is simply also more fun to enjoy holidays together with like-minded people.

Guests experience their holidays with all their senses. while RSD and its tour guides take care of everything else, mostly unnoticed in the background. RSD is committed to helping its guests to explore the world while being well looked-after. And at the end – RSD speaks from experience – saying goodbye to the country and new holiday friends might be a little hard. But why should it have been the last holiday trip together?

So here’s to a new one at the next opportunity! The RSD team is happy to be by your side again for it.

Phone: +44 20 3514 35 43
