Mundo: Securitas has completed the acquisition of Stanley Security (1)

STOCKHOLM, July 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The acquisition of Stanley Security is now completed and is consolidated into Securitas as of July 22, 2022. Securitas will present the strategy of the new Group as well as new financial targets on August 24, 2022.

On December 8, 2021, Securitas announced it had signed an agreement to acquire the Electronic Security Solutions business from Stanley Black & Decker Inc. («Stanley Security») for a purchase price of MUSD 3 200 on a debt and cash free basis. The acquisition is expected to create compelling sales growth and be immediately operating margin accretive to the Group. We anticipate significant commercial opportunities and innovation potential with over 500 000 existing, as well as new, clients in the attractive BUSD 70 electronic security market. We will create a leading platform to accelerate growth and synergies and expect substantial operating margin improvement over time. All regulatory conditions were approved as communicated on July 14 and the transaction has been completed today.

«This transformational acquisition makes us a strong provider of tech-enabled security solutions and a leading partner to our clients on a global scale. With our combined client proposition and our strong sales structure, we expect to deliver higher, more profitable growth than before. Going forward, approximately 50 percent of our profit contribution will be generated through high-margin technology and solutions sales. We are extremely pleased that the acquisition now is formally completed, and I want to welcome all of Stanley Security’s clients and employees into the Securitas Group,» says Magnus Ahlqvist, President and CEO of Securitas.

The acquisition is financed by a bridge facility, which Securitas plans to refinance by a mix of long-term debt financing and a rights issue which we expect to launch in September. The rights issue will amount to the SEK equivalent of MUSD 915 as previously communicated.

On August 24 at 2.00 p.m. to approximately 4.00 p.m. (CEST) Securitas will arrange a webcast with a presentation of the strategy of the new Group as well as new financial targets for the Group going forward.

A separate invitation will be sent out closer to the event.


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