Mundo: Coor’s climate goals approved by Science Based Targets

STOCKHOLM, May 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Coor’s climate goals have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). In order to limit global warming to 1.5°C, Coor has set a target of reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases under scope 1 and scope 2 by 75% by 2030. To address scope 3, Coor has set a target to ensure that 75% of the company’s scope 3 emissions come from suppliers with targets approved by SBTi.

Coor’s overall goal is to develop the business in the best way and maximize financial returns while at the same time helping to build a better future for humans and the environment.

«The fact that our climate goals have been approved by SBTi confirms that our climate work is focusing on the right things, and we are very proud that our climate goals have been verified as scientific in line with the Paris agreement. As a leading FM supplier, it is natural for us to work towards long-term sustainable growth.» commented AnnaCarin Grandin, CEO and President at Coor.

Coor has also adopted SBTi’s net zero target, which means that Coor in 2022 is working to set the strategy for reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions and the year when the target will be met. According to the standard this is no later than 2050 but Coor is aiming to determine a strategy that will make this possible earlier.

«Coor is continuously strengthening its sustainability culture, which we see as a way to future-proof the company,» commented AnnaCarin Grandin, CEO and President at Coor.

Please find more information, images etc. at or contact:

Klas Elmberg, CFO and IR Director, Coor

+46 10 559 65 80

Magdalena Öhrn, Communications Director, Coor

+46 10 559 55 19

As the leading provider of facility management services, Coor aims to create the happiest, healthiest and most prosperous workplace environments in the Nordic region. Coor offers specialist expertise in workplace services, property services and strategic advisory services. Coor creates value by executing, developing and streamlining our customers’ service activities. This enables our customers to do what they do best.

Coor’s customer base includes many large and small companies and public-sector organisations across the Nordic region, including ABB, Aibel, the Danish Building and Property Agency, DNV-GL, DSB, Ericsson, Equinor, ICA, NCC, «Danish Police, Public Prosecution Authority and Prison and Probation Service», PostNord, Saab, Sandvik, SAS, Telia Company, Swedish Transport Administration, Vasakronan and Volvo Cars.

Coor was founded in 1998 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2015. Coor takes responsibility for the operations it conducts, in relation to its customers, employees and shareholders, as well as for its wider impact on society and the environment. Read more at

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