Mundo: Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Implantica AG

STOCKHOLM, May 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, May 10, 2022, the annual general meeting (the «AGM») of Implantica AG (publ) was held in Vaduz. The general meeting resolved to adopt all of the board of directors’ resolution proposals. A summary of the resolutions adopted at the general meeting is set out below.

The general meeting adopted the annual report 2021 consisting of the statutory financial statements and the consolidated financial statements of Implantica AG for the financial year 2021, acknowledging the reports of the auditors.

The general meeting resolved to carry forward the net loss for the financial year 2021 and to no payment of dividend.

The general meeting resolved to discharge the members of the board of directors, the executive management and the auditors from liability for their services in the business year 2021.

The general meeting resolved to re-elect Liselott Kilaas, Johan Bojs, Tomas Puusepp, Klaus Neftel and Stephan Siegenthaler as board members for a term of office until completion of the next AGM of shareholders. Liselott Kilaas was also re-elected as chairman and Johan Bojs was re-elected as vice-chairman of the board of directors until the end of the next annual general meeting.

The general meeting resolved to re-elect Johan Bojs as chairman and Klaus Neftel as member of the nomination and remuneration committee until completion of the next AGM.

The general meeting resolved to re-elect KPMG (Liechtenstein) AG, Aulestrasse 2, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein as auditor for the financial year 2022.

The general meeting resolved to approve the total remuneration of the board of directors of EUR 179 thousand and of the executive management of EUR 766 thousand for the financial year 2021. The total remuneration includes fixed compensation, pension contributions and the long-term share-based incentive plan. Executive Management is made up of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Strategy Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the VP Operations & IR.

The general meeting resolved to continue to authorize the board of directors to execute the Long-Term Incentive Plan, a 5-year stock option plan of Class A shares in 5 equal installments, under which senior executives and selected key employees will be rewarded with share-based incentives such as, but not limited to, options, restricted stock units and contingent share awards as to be specified by the board of directors, however, not exceeding 5% of the outstanding Class A-shares of Implantica AG valid until May 2027.

The general meeting resolved to authorize the company to acquire own shares, upon according resolutions of the board of directors, to the extent of up to 10% of the fully paid-up registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 2.00 (Class A Shares) outstanding at the time of the adoption of the resolution by the general meeting, through the acquisition of SDRs, until 10 May 2027. The acquisition of treasury shares may be exercised in whole or in part, once or several times, by the board of directors.

The minutes of the annual general meeting with information regarding each resolution proposal adopted at the general meeting will be available at

For further information, please contact:

Nicole Pehrsson, Investor Relations

Telephone (CH): +41 (0)79 335 09 49

Implantica is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm.

The company’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB, +46 (0)8 528 00 399,

The information was sent for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on May 10, 2022 at 16:00 CET.

About Implantica

Implantica is a medtech group dedicated to bringing advanced technology into the body. Implantica’s lead product, RefluxStop™, is a CE-marked implant for the prevention of gastroesophageal reflux that will potentially create a paradigm shift in anti-reflux treatment as supported by successful clinical trial results. Implantica also focuses on eHealth inside the body and has developed a broad, patent protected, product pipeline based partly on two platform technologies: an eHealth platform designed to monitor a broad range of health parameters, control treatment from inside the body and communicate to the caregiver on distance and a wireless energising platform designed to power remote controlled implants wirelessly through intact skin. Implantica is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (ticker: IMP A SDB). Visit for further information.

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