Mundo: Taking Stock of Fashion’s Progress towards Net Positive: Industry organisations consolidate sustainability guidance and

(Información remitida por la empresa firmante)

The highest percentage (88%) of brand respondents claimed to have set targets to adopt responsible purchasing practices – yet only 63% of brands claimed to be measuring progress against these set targets. 100% of brands and producers unanimously expressed support for reaching alignment on this action area and engaging with the industry to collectively drive progress.Fewest brands (58%) claimed to have set targets on worker access to effective grievance mechanisms whilst producers reported their lowest score on value chain transparency (75%)

Better Wage Systems

Of those that responded to questions related to this priority:

The highest percentage of brands and producers (86%) claim to have set targets to implement fair compensation and living wage across the textile value chain

Yet the lowest percentage of brands and producers are setting targets on freedom of association or collective bargaining (33% brands/ 67% producers/ manufacturers) and closing the gender pay gap (33% brands/ 86% producers/ manufacturers) – both key enablers towards reaching fair compensation and living wage

Resource Stewardship

Of those that responded to questions related to this priority:

Highest claims of target setting were related to decarbonisation/ GHG emission reduction (88% brands/ 89% producers/ manufacturers) and elimination of hazardous chemicals (86% brands/ 100% producers/ manufacturers)

Lowest number of targets reported to be set towards eliminating microfibre pollution (36% brands/ 63% producers/ manufacturers) also reflected in the percentage of those measuring and reporting progress (33% brands/ 63% producers/ manufacturers)

Smart Material Choices

Of those that responded to questions related to this priority:

A significantly high number of respondents claimed to have set targets to produce and source priority materials from preferred and low climate impact sources (96% brands/ 100% producers/ manufacturers)

Brands are setting most of their preferred material targets on cotton (92%) while producers on polyester (90%)

Circular Systems

Of those that responded to questions related to this priority:

Target setting in the Circular Systems field is very fragmented with many targets self-defined, lacking comparability with peers, and inconsistent ambition levels. However, FITC shows a surprisingly high percentage of brands and producers setting targets in this space even on complex topics like absolute virgin resource use reduction (74% of brands and 89% of producers) and overproduction (78% of brands and 77% of producers)

The lowest target-setting results were related to eradicating messages encouraging unnecessary consumption (46% brands/ 53% producers/ manufacturers) and measuring the actual impact on job quality and availability from circular business models to support a just transition to a circular economy (29% brands/ 73% producers/ manufacturers)

Consultation Methodology:

Insights included in The GFA Monitor have been derived exclusively from the online survey with answers from three respondent groups – all respondents (total aggregate), brands and manufacturers/ producers. The data collection and analysis were conducted in good faith, with no guarantees of absolute accuracy. All survey responses were voluntarily disclosed, without verification or validation by GFA and UNEP. Moreover, response levels varied across target areas due to non-compulsory questions, limiting comparability between areas. Find the full methodology and disclaimer in the publication’s annex.


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