Mundo: Securitas AB Interim Report January-June 2022 (1)

STOCKHOLM, July 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

April–June 2022

Total sales MSEK 30 535 (26 499)

Organic sales growth 6 percent (8)

Operating income before amortization MSEK 1 760 (1 471)

Operating margin 5.8 percent (5.6)

Items affecting comparability (IAC) MSEK –226 (–259), mainly relating to the previously announced transformation programs

Earnings per share SEK 2.79 (2.09)

Earnings per share, before IAC, SEK 3.33 (2.64)

Cash flow from operating activities 53 percent (63)

January-June 2022

Total sales MSEK 59 133 (52 313)

Organic sales growth 5 percent (4)

Operating income before ­amortization MSEK 3 212 (2 727)

Operating margin 5.4 percent (5.2)

Items affecting comparability (IAC) MSEK –360 (–395), mainly ­relating to the previously announced ­transformation programs

Earnings per share SEK 5.09 (3.95)

Earnings per share, before IAC, SEK 5.90 (4.75)

Net debt/EBITDA 2.2 (2.2)

Cash flow from operating activities 25 percent (81)

Comments from the President and CEO

«Strong operational results and com­pletion of Stanley Security acquisition»

We are executing on our strategy to be the leading security solutions partner to our clients with world-­leading tech­nology and expertise. We delivered all time high profitability and improved the operating margin to 5.8 ­percent (5.6) in the second ­quarter, a level which is significantly higher than the pre-­pandemic years.

The good business conditions ­accelerated in the second quarter with organic sales growth of 6 percent (8), driven by Europe and Ibero-America. As planned, organic sales growth in North America was ­negative in the second quarter due to the ­low margin contract terminations from last year and lower extra sales. However, the under­lying business in North America is developing very well and we ­expect ­organic sales growth to return to ­positive in the third quarter.

We had great momentum within high-margin security solutions and electronic ­security sales in the ­second quarter with 13 percent real sales growth, which represented 23 percent (22) of Group sales.

The operating result for the Group, ­adjusted for changes in exchange rates, increased by 8 percent in the ­second quarter. Our operations in North America and Ibero-America delivered strong margin improvement. Europe improved well compared to the first ­quarter with strong operating result improvement compared to last year, despite continued pressure from costs related to labor shortage and ­sickness. The inflationary environment is ­challenging across the Group, but we have success­fully managed a positive price and wage ­balance. Dynamic price increase manage­ment is a key priority going forward to ensure quality delivery to our clients.

Our high focus on improving client value and profitability is generating ­results with higher sales of security solutions and electronic security across all ­segments together with positive ­impact from active portfolio manage­ment and our transformation programs.


The transformation program in North America which was finalized in 2021, is delivering value in the ­day-to-day operations and contributes to the ­operating margin development. The ongoing business trans-formation programs in Europe and Ibero-America are progressing according to plan and we expect to realize strong financial and operational benefits in the years to come.

In the second quarter, we reached an important sustainability milestone as the first major company in the industry that is committing to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and we are now beginning the process of develop­ing and validating targets to reduce the Group’s climate impact.

On July 22 we closed the ­acqui­sition of Stanley Security. We are very pleased that the acquisition is formally completed, and I want to welcome all of Stanley Security’s clients and ­employees into Securitas. Our joint ­integration preparation work has been solid and we now look forward to accelerating our journey together and ­immediately executing on our value ­creation plan.

Bringing together our two great companies is an industry-defining event. Combining our talent and expertise sets us up for stronger growth thanks to an outstanding client offering and ­we expect significant margin enhancement ­opportunities going forward. Our shared values and high sustain­ability ambitions enable us to utilize our ­potential to provide tech-enabled security solutions that create long-term value for our clients, our shareholders and the society at large.

We are looking forward to update you on the strategy and announce new financial targets at the Investor ­update on August 24. We are welcoming all our shareholders to participate on this exciting journey in the rights issue ­connected to the transaction which will be launched in September.

Magnus Ahlqvist

President and CEO


August 24, 2022, 2.00 p.m. (CET)

Investor update

November 8, 2022, app. 1.00 p.m. (CET)

Interim Report

January–September 2022

February 7, 2023, app. 1.00 p.m. (CET)

Full–year Report

January–December 2022

For further information regarding Securitas IR activities, refer to­financial-calendar


Analysts and media are invited to participate in a telephone conference on July 28, 2022, at 2.30 p.m. (CET) where President and CEO Magnus Ahlqvist and CFO Andreas Lindback will present the report and answer questions. The ­telephone conference will also be audio cast live via Securitas’ website. To participate in the telephone conference, please dial in five minutes prior to the start of the conference call:

US: +1 631 913 1422

Sweden: +46 8 566 426 51

UK: +44 333 3000 804

Please use the following pin code for the telephone conference: 621 490 78#

To follow the audio cast of the telephone conference via the web, please follow the link

A recorded version of the audio cast will be available at after the ­telephone conference.

For further information, please contact:

Micaela Sjökvist, Vice President, Investor Relations +46 76 116 7443


Securitas has a leading global and local market presence with operations in 47 markets. Our operations are organized in three business segments: Security Services North America, Security Services Europe and Security Services Ibero-America. We also have operations in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia, which form the AMEA division. Securitas serves a wide range of clients of all sizes in a variety of industries and segments. Security solutions based on client-­specific needs are built through different combinations of on-site, mobile and remote guarding, electronic security, fire and safety, and corporate risk management. We adapt our security solutions based on the risks and needs of each client through increased client engagement and continuously enhanced knowledge. Securitas is listed in the Large Cap segment at Nasdaq Stockholm.

Group strategy